New Icons of the general map, 3 per faction. New Dialogs, new textures, new decoration. Occasionally you can find a Chinese woman (life's woman), etc. New Dynamics tavern, where you can find characters playing guitar, poets that let you play music for 10 denars (lack to add the Argentina and Spanish music) while you're in the tavern, also you can play cards with the bartenders and bet money. Training Square in fast battle or skirmish (runs with the key H) you can also select infantry separately from other troops, it´s to say, press number 1 (light infantry) or 2 (heavy infantry) and 3 for cavalry.
This is to make it as realistic as possible, in terms of uniforms and weapons, etc.
It’s a mod for Warband on the independence of Chile from Spain in the nineteenth century (1810-1818, will begin in 1814), then I created the troops of the year, with information from books, expert help and own research on the Internet. Independence of Chile is a mod for Mount & Blade: Warband, created by Mauromagno Patriota.